Hilbert II, Version 0.04.05 (gaffsie), 2013-02-04 22:36:16 Version History 0.04.05 ======= Functional Changes ------------------ Extensions ---------- - context menu for text areas includes now "find": one can search for strings Fixed Bugs ---------- proofTextMathOperators.xml has now no double "C" functionOperator any longer Other Changes ------------- - initial window size for text viewing was optimized; now the window should fit the screen more likely XML Files ----------- Extensions ---------- - qedeq_formal_logic_v1.xml: added proposition with proof for A -> (B -> (A & B)) added proposition with proof for ((A -> B) & (B -> C)) -> (A -> C) added a section for mixing conjunction and disjunction added proposition with proof for ((A -> C) & (B -> C)) -> ((A ??? B) -> C) added proposition with proof for ((A & B) v C) -> ((A v C) & (B v C)) added proposition with proof for ((A ??? C) & (B ??? C)) -> ((A & B) ??? C) Fixed Bugs ---------- none Other Changes ------------- none Source Code ----------- Extensions ---------- - various test classes and tests were added - new class LoadingListener for for loading completeness events - new class Path as an abstraction for a file or directory path - new class FindDialog to provide search capabilities - new class UnderlineDocumentMarkerPainter enables us to underline text (not used yet) - new methods getLastDotString(String), getLastTwoDotStrings(String) for getting the last pieces in dot separated Strings (StringUtility) Fixed Bugs ---------- - Splitter.iterate tests for whitespace now via Character.isWhitespace - StringUtility: format and trim methods can handle extreme parameters - ModulePropertiesPane: if no model is set we empty errors and warnings text - Qedeq2UnicodeVisitor don't print q.e.d. if we are in brief mode - model.Operator.hashCode takes now the current class into account - DefaultElementList.replace(int, Element) should work correct now Other Changes ------------- - AbstractOutput uses now method appendFittingPart to append without exceeding the maximum column - IoUtility refactored directory and file copy methods compareTextFiles is now more robust refactored deleteDir method URL methods now in new class UrlUtility some Yoda methods removed, now usage of YodaUtility necessary - TextInput.getSubstring accepts now negative lengths - StringUtility.toString(Object[]), toString(Set) and toString(Map) quotes now CharSequence objects - new class WebServer added for testing purposes - various unit tests added - updated GUI help files - refactored DefaultInternalKernelServices.saveQedeqFromWebToBuffer to use UrlUtility.saveUrlToFile - various classes: usage of org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY - Qedeq2LatexExecutor umlaut handling changed - Latex2UnicodeParser remembers now skipWhitespace status when entering new level - QedeqConfig.getLogFile gets the complete log file location - DefaultSourceFileExceptionList and SourceFileExceptionList were joined into a new SourceFileExceptionList - implementations of Reason.getReferences return now only all not null references; references that are empty strings are now included - for memory modules DefaultModuleAddress.isRelativeAddress returns always false - the texts of LogicalModuleStateDescriptions were slightly changed - an instance of ModuleDataException now uses only error code, message and location for deciding if instances are equal - ConfigAccess.store creates missing directories - QedeqConfig uses basisDirectory.getCanonicalFile() - QedeqConfig.createAbsolutePath now uses the new class Path to transform the given path string into an absolute file path - LatexList2Text takes now "en" as default if language was not found and more latex constructs are stripped - VariableList and all its references removed (was not used) - SubsectionType has now two methods: getNode() and getSubsection(), so one can work with interfaces and get to the tree leaves without casting - QedeqNotNullTraverser enables now to set the visitor later on XSD --- Extensions ---------- none Fixed Bugs ---------- none Other Changes ------------- none