Hilbert II, Version 0.04.06 (gaffsie), 2013-04-09 03:50:03 Version History 0.04.06 ======= Functional Changes ------------------ Extensions ---------- - we use now animated icons for progress visualization and colors for status information gray = starting loading process violet = loaded cyan = loaded imports orange = well formed yellow = fully formally proved errors and warning decorations give additional information - process view: + shows initially only running service processes - with a toggle button you can also view the last (= currently all) finished ones + multiple selections (enables selecting all and stopping all processes) + new "Details" button shows detailed information about selected processes and their plugin calls + (more) internal processes are now also visible and interruptable Fixed Bugs ---------- - bug fix: for qedeq_error_sample04.xml we can now generate UTF-8 and LaTeX files - plugin view shows now correct termination status - now also very long tool tips should be readable; also html entities are handled correctly - refresh of process view should work properly now Other Changes ------------- - initial dimensions of start window increased - status display of QEDEQ module via colors: all icons changed - log4j configuration file is now marked and treated as UTF-8 - find proofs stops now if no new proof lines can be generated XML Files ----------- Extensions ---------- none Fixed Bugs ---------- none Other Changes ------------- none Source Code ----------- Extensions ---------- - new class ModuleArbiter for organizing the QEDEQ module access - for whole QEDEQ module locking process a huge refactoring takes place; it is still not finished - GuiHelper.getToolTipText: get tool tip text as html - GuiHelper provides now a generic image icon - plugins can have process individual parameters - check for correct proofs is now integrated into kernel, so we have a new explicit action: CheckFormallyProvedAction - QedeqLog can deal now with null LogListener s - ControlVisitor has now a test mode so we could remove the doubled class in the test project Fixed Bugs ---------- - FormulaUtility uses now EqualsUtility for checking operator equality Other Changes ------------- - we have now the following InternalPlugin s: LoadDirectlyRequiredModulesPlugin LoadAllRequiredModulesPlugin, LoadRequiredModulesPlugin, WellFormedCheckerPlugin, FormalProofCheckerPlugin; these plugin are now fully integrated in the kernel and their progress is visible in processes now; they are also interruptable - for animated icons we use: http://sourceforge.net/projects/furbelow/ - small bug fixes because of new findbugs version - maven POM uses now same java help version (we found it in maven repository) also java source and java doc files are generated now and we provide a code coverage report by emma - Main loads log4j file now as UTF-8 - clover coverage reports are generated by a new clover version - InternalKernelServices extends only KernelProperties now; KernelServices are not included! so plugins should only use the InternalKernelServices; some methods have also changed their location from KernelServices to InternalKernelServices XSD --- Extensions ---------- none Fixed Bugs ---------- none Other Changes ------------- none