Hilbert II, Version 0.03.12 (mongaga), 2010-09-18 02:03:12 Version History 0.03.12 ======= Functional Changes ------------------ Extensions ---------- - now the first pages of a new online help are working - new about dialog with system properties that can be copied into clipboard - warnings are now supported: LaTeX generation problems lead to warnings that also can be clicked - precise location marking for LaTeX generation problems - proxy settings could be done in preferenes dialog - now it is checked that class definition is only in one unique QEDEQ module - now it is checked that identity operator is defined only in one unique QEDEQ module Fixed Bugs ---------- - within the buffer directory only all *.xml files are deleted when the buffer is cleaned; so we have no problem with the lock file Other Changes ------------- - generate LaTeX output for modules with extra printed (\tt) QEDEQ reference in clear text. So module authors can easily reference to that node. In some future releases this option should be editable in the LaTeX plugin preferences page. - preference dialog is now fully resizeable - renamed "Delete" into "Remove" for local module tree popup - more and better formatted error message if XSD resolution fails - XML Files ----------- Extensions ---------- math\qedeq_logic_v1.xml math\qedeq_set_theory_v1.xml Fixed Bugs ---------- math\qedeq_logic_v1.xml Other Changes ------------- - ISSUE#33 integrated Amrum notes Source Code ----------- Extensions ---------- - various unit tests added - now using commons-httpclient-3.1.jar and commons-codec-1.3.jar - looking at findbugs test results and worked on them - integration of javax.help (jh-2.0.5) Fixed Bugs ---------- - various file loading, saving and copying methods close now Reader, Writer and created streams also if an Exception occurs Other Changes ------------- - bo.context.KernelContext has new mechanism for testing multistarted application: lockStream.getChannel().tryLock() - replacement of URL with String as QEDEQ address parameter due to problems with URL.equals see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/URL.html#equals(java.lang.Object) and http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4434494 http://brian.pontarelli.com/2006/12/05/mr-gosling-why-did-you-make-url-equals-suck/ - new plugin structure established. LaTeX generation is now simply execution of the Qedeq2LatexPlugin - ISSUE#30, ISSUE#13 we also integrate warnings into our system. A plugin can produce warnings. These warnings can be clicked and are shown in yellow whereas the errors are shown in blue. The error pane shows the eclipse icons "error_tsk.gif" or "warn_tsk.gif" accordingly. - improved location information of LaTeX warnings - ISSUE#22 now we have a new about dialog that shows the system properties - generation of PDF now includes register creation XSD --- Extensions ---------- none Fixed Bugs ---------- none Other Changes ------------- none