Hilbert II - Version 0.03.01

Package org.qedeq.kernel.base.module

The main funtionalities of qedeq modules are described here.


Interface Summary
Author Describes a specification of a module, that means its name, versions and possible "physical" locations.
AuthorList List of authors.
Axiom Axiom.
Chapter Chapter.
ChapterList List of chapters.
Formula Wraps a formula.
FunctionDefinition Definition of function operator.
Header Header of a qedeq file.
Import Module import.
ImportList List of imports.
Latex LaTeX text part.
LatexList List of LaTeX text parts.
LinkList List of identifiers.
LiteratureItem One reference of a bibliography.
LiteratureItemList Bibliography, list of literature items.
Location Describes the "physical" directory location for a module.
LocationList List of locations.
Node A node carries mathematical knowledge.
NodeType Marker interface for different node types.
PredicateDefinition Definition of operator.
Proof Contains a proof for a proposition.
Proposition Proposition.
Qedeq A complete qedeq module.
Rule Rule.
Section Section of a qedeq file.
SectionList List of sections.
Specification Describes a specification of a module, that means its name, versions and possible "physical" locations.
Subsection Special subsection of a qedeq file.
SubsectionList List of nodes.
SubsectionType Marker interface for different subsection types.
Term Wraps a term.
UsedByList List of modules which use the current one.
VariableList List of variables.

Package org.qedeq.kernel.base.module Description

The main funtionalities of qedeq modules are described here.

Hilbert II - Version 0.03.01

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