Hilbert II - Version 0.03.04

Uses of Class

Packages that use LatexListVo
org.qedeq.kernel.dto.module Value objects for qedeq modules.  
org.qedeq.kernel.xml.handler.module Handler to parse qedeq XML modules.  

Uses of LatexListVo in org.qedeq.kernel.dto.module

Methods in org.qedeq.kernel.dto.module with parameters of type LatexListVo
 void SubsectionVo.setTitle(LatexListVo title)
          Set title of this subsection.
 void SubsectionVo.setLatex(LatexListVo latexText)
          Set LaTeX text for this subsection.
 void SectionVo.setTitle(LatexListVo title)
          Set section title.
 void SectionVo.setIntroduction(LatexListVo introduction)
          Set LaTeX introduction text.
 void RuleVo.setDescription(LatexListVo description)
          Set description.
 void PropositionVo.setDescription(LatexListVo description)
          Set description.
 void PredicateDefinitionVo.setDescription(LatexListVo description)
          Set description.
 void NodeVo.setName(LatexListVo name)
          Set node name.
 void NodeVo.setTitle(LatexListVo title)
          Set node title.
 void NodeVo.setPrecedingText(LatexListVo precedingText)
          Set preceding LaTeX text.
 void NodeVo.setSucceedingText(LatexListVo succeedingText)
          Set succeeding LaTeX text.
 void LiteratureItemVo.setItem(LatexListVo item)
          Set literature reference for this item.
 void HeaderVo.setTitle(LatexListVo title)
          Set module title.
 void HeaderVo.setSummary(LatexListVo summary)
          Set module summary text.
 void FunctionDefinitionVo.setDescription(LatexListVo description)
          Set description.
 void ChapterVo.setTitle(LatexListVo title)
          Set chapter title.
 void ChapterVo.setIntroduction(LatexListVo introduction)
          Set chapter introduction text.
 void AxiomVo.setDescription(LatexListVo description)
          Set description.

Uses of LatexListVo in org.qedeq.kernel.xml.handler.module

Methods in org.qedeq.kernel.xml.handler.module that return LatexListVo
 LatexListVo LatexListHandler.getLatexList()
          Get parsed result.

Hilbert II - Version 0.03.04

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